Staying in with Penny Mirren on The Unretirement Publication Day

As I hurtle through my 60s, it’s always a pleasure to discover books that feature more mature protagonists. With The Unretirement by Penny Mirren out today and waiting for me on my TBR pile, I simply had to chat with Penny all about it. My huge thanks to Laura Sherlock for putting us in touch with one another.

Here’s what Penny told me:

Staying in with Penny Mirren

Welcome to Linda’s Book Bag Penny and thank you for agreeing to stay in with me.

Hi Linda! Thanks for inviting me along.

Tell me (as if I didn’t know!), which of your books have you brought along to share this evening and why have you chosen it?

I’ve brought along my debut novel The Unretirement. It’s published today, the 23rd May with Avon Books UK, and I’m hugely excited to share the book with readers everywhere. It’s an uplifting story, that will hopefully appeal to anyone looking for feel-good fiction.

Happy publication day Penny. So, what can we expect from an evening in with The Unretirement?

What I really hope readers will come away with after reading the book, are lovely warm feelings and a renewed zest for life, because it’s a book about new beginnings, about community, family, love, resilience and chasing your dreams – no matter your age.

That sounds like a really important message. Tell me more about Maggie.

I think many readers will empathise with Maggie, the main protagonist, as she grapples with her new and unexpected status as a recently widowed retiree. Because, although Maggie might be grieving, she is still very much alive and kicking and the story follows her and her daughter Hannah (who has also found herself at a crossroads in life), as they both grab life by the horns and redefine themselves. And as Maggie sets out to save her beloved local restaurant from closure and follows her dream to return to a long abandoned catering career, she embarks on an unexpected adventure with new friends and old, that becomes so much bigger than saving a small business.

The Unretirement sounds lovely. What was it like writing it?

I had so much fun writing this story, with its large and diverse cast of characters. They became like friends I still expect to see whenever I visit Saffron Walden, the characterful medieval Essex town that I used as the setting for the book. And I hope readers will love Maggie as much as I do, with her no-nonsense ways and mischievous sense of humour. I’ve been so thrilled with early reviews, which have described The Unretirement as a ‘big hug of a book’ and ‘funny, heartwarming and hopeful’, which is exactly what I was hoping to achieve in these often, trying, times. It’s also very important to me to give a voice to older protagonists who have so much to say, teach and inspire us.

Absolutely – don’t write off we oldies! I have a copy of The Unretirement waiting for me to read and I’m very much looking forward to it.

What else have you brought along and why have you brought it?

I’ve brought along a hearty plate of piping hot, aromatic and richly bubbling Keema Shepherd’s Pie, which becomes Maggie’s signature dish as she breathes new life into the restaurant in the book.

That looks scrummy. You can come again!

Food plays a huge part in The Unretirement, so be prepared for that if you read it whilst hungry! And as anyone who knows me will testify, I love my food too, so believe me – it was no hardship to devise dishes for the book, then go off and (ahem) research them. My long-suffering husband was subjected to many tasting sessions of the dishes as I experimented and I thought it would be a shame for all that ‘research’ to go to waste, so I’ve included some of the recipes in the back of the book in case readers fancied having a go at recreating them.

Should your husband need a break, I could be persuaded to help out… just saying!

I’ve also brought along a Mango Mojito if you fancy a tipple? It’s tropical and summery and features in the book. Such a chore practising and perfecting those, as I’m sure you can imagine.

Oh I imagine so. Again, I’ll help relieve you of the chore…

If we’re putting a bit of background music on as we chat, I’m partial to a bit of disco (huge Abba fan over here), or anything from the 80’s and 90’s. Nostalgia is another theme explored within the book, particularly the 90’s, as being back in her hometown reminds Hannah of her teenage years, and whilst both food and music have the power to transport us back to happy times, as well as sad ones, they are often instrumental in creating new memories too. After all, is there anything more special than sharing good times, and great food, with the people you care about? (Other than settling down with a good book, that is!)

Wise words indeed! Thank you so much for staying in with me to chat about The Unretirement Penny. You’ve made me desperate to read the book and ravenous! You dish up some shepherd’s pie and I’ll give readers a few more details:

The Unretirement

Meet foodie Maggie Lawford.

After spending her retirement travelling the world, she’s home again – and ready for a new adventure.

When Maggie’s daughter, Hannah, takes her to visit their favourite local restaurant, Maggie is heartbroken to find the place empty. But the last straw comes when Maggie realises the chef is at his wit’s end – she can’t resist charging into the kitchen and taking matters into her own hands.

Never one to give up without a fight, Maggie resolves to save their beloved restaurant from failure, and it’s not long before she has a military-grade plan to turn the place around again. Finding herself back at work, all she’ll need is support from Hannah and her cheeky granddaughter, Alice, as well as a little help from her neighbours.

After all, Maggie’s golden days aren’t behind her just yet…

The Unretirement is published today, 23rd May 2024, by Harper Collins imprint Avon and is available for purchase through the links here.

About Penny Mirren

Penny Mirren is the pen name of Samantha Pennington. Sam writes light-hearted, uplifting fiction and romantic comedy. She was selected for the inaugural Kate Nash Literary Agency Mentorship program in 2020 and is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association. Sam lives in North Essex and when she’s not writing, enjoys being first mate on her husband’s tiny fishing boat and reading books for her wine club.

For further information about Penny visit her website, follow her on Twitter/X @sjpenno or find her on Facebook and Instagram.

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